Reducing the spread of germs: When shopping and on public transport! The daily infection numbers are still high in some places. When people come together in a confined space, especially in closed and poorly ventilated rooms, when shopping or on public transport, the likelihood of infection increases. To protect themselves and others from possible infection, more and more people are turning to FFP2 masks. Bavaria has made wearing FFP2 masks in shops and on public transport compulsory since January 18, 2021. Other federal states want to follow this requirement. In today's blog post, we explain what FFP means and how the FFP2 masks offered by emmi®-dent work.
What does FFP mean and how do FFP2 masks work?
“Filtering Face Pieces”: FFP is used as personal protective equipment! The term FFP comes from English and stands for “filtering face pieces”. FFP masks are masks that have particle-filtering properties. Made as a half mask, they cover the mouth and nose and were originally designed as a protective mask against dust and the smallest dirt particles. In occupational safety, they are used as personal protective equipment and are therefore part of everyday “work clothing” in some professions. In medical and nursing professions, FFP masks have long been integrated into everyday work for self-protection. As the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) makes clear, FFP2 masks primarily serve as self-protection. The protective function of FFP2 masks is standardized throughout Europe according to DIN EN 149:2009-08. FFP2 masks are characterized by a special filter layer. This is electrostatically charged. This means that even the smaller but much more easily transmitted aerosol droplets can be filtered out of the air we breathe. In addition to FFP2 masks, there are also FFP1 and FFP3 masks. They differ in their filter performance as follows - shown here in a simplified manner:
- FFP1 masks can filter up to 80% of pollutants in the air we breathe
- FFP2 masks can filter up to 94% of pollutants and aerosols
- FFP3 masks can filter up to 99% of pollutants and aerosols
FFP masks are therefore much more effective for self-protection than everyday masks or so-called community masks. In contrast to standardized masks such as FFP2 masks, everyday masks do not conform to any standard. Their filter performance is highly variable and not proven. And although FFP2 masks have a filter performance of at least 94 percent when used correctly, they do not offer 100 percent protection against harmful aerosols, Health Minister Jens Spahn recently warned. It is the combination of distance, self-protection and protection of others by wearing an FFP2 mask and adhering to valid hygiene measures that can reduce the risk of infection.
Can FFP2 masks be reused?
Clean or air out FFP2 masks? Officially, FFP2 masks are not suitable for reuse. Since the additional filter performance of FFP2 masks is generated by a special layer that has electrostatic forces, the filter performance is reduced by moisture. It is not possible to wash FFP2 masks. Even if worn for a long time and the associated moisture from breathing, they should be changed regularly. Each wearer must decide for themselves whether decontamination by drying over several days or by heating in the oven is responsible. We at emmi®-dent recommend changing them regularly, even if FFP2 masks are significantly more expensive than normal makeshift and community masks. At the same time, we would also like to draw your attention to the study carried out by the Münster University of Applied Sciences, which the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) refers to this in its editorial . It answers the question about the Possibilities and limits of the independent reuse of FFP2 masks for private use (in the context of an epidemic situation). In this article you will find the intention of the project,
- also useful information on the stability of SARS-CoV-2 viruses on and in FFP2 masks,
- valuable information on mask construction,
- exciting information on the possibilities and limitations of simple disinfection processes,
- detailed information on the disinfection process: 7 days drying in room air,
- detailed information on the disinfection process: 80°C drying with heat
- as well as a variety of information on other procedures.
This article also describes how to wear, put on and take off FFP2 masks correctly. If you are over 60 years old or belong to the risk group, you had the opportunity to pick up 3 free FFP2 masks from your trusted pharmacy until December 31, 2020. Since New Year's Day, the regulation for 12 additional masks with a co-payment has applied. Your health insurance company will send you two counterfeit-proof coupons for six masks each. You can redeem these coupons at your trusted pharmacy for a small co-payment during two periods stated on them.