
Hyposalivation – dry mouth due to reduced saliva flow

Hyposalivation – Mundtrockenheit durch verminderten Speichelfluss

Hyposalivation or xerostomia – dry mouth is widespread!

Not only seniors complain about increasing age dry mouth. Especially when they have to take various tablets due to other illnesses, the complaints about dry mouth increase. The permanent feeling of a dry mouth can limit the quality of life. As a result, Dry mouth can also lead to root caries and significantly affect oral health. However, the term dry mouth encompasses various health phenomena. A distinction is made between

· objectively measurable dry mouth

· and the subjectively perceived dry mouth.

If one speaks of subjectively perceived dry mouth, this is referred to in technical jargon as xerostomia. If there is objective evidence of dry mouth, the technical jargon refers to hyposalivation. The salivary flow rate is measurably reduced. This data can be collected stimulated or unstimulated. In today's blog post we will explain how clinical picture of hyposalivation is proven and suitable treatment approaches to alleviate symptoms.

What does hyposalivation mean?

Hyposalivation refers to too little saliva flow!

When we speak of hyposalivationIn the medical field, this refers to insufficient salivation. In humans, a saliva volume of less than 0.5 ml/min in a stimulated state is considered hyposalivation. In an unstimulated state, this volume is reduced to 0.1 ml/min. As a result, dry mouth describe. If one speaks of the opposite, i.e. a significantly increased production of saliva, one speaks of hypersalivation. Causes that lead to hyposalivation include:

· the regular intake of special medications,

· Radiotherapy,

· Radiojodtherapie,

· Diabetes Type II,

· Autoimmune diseases (various),


· Menopause,

· salivary stones

· and eating disorders.

Hyposalivation can lead to reduced moistening of the oral cavity The buffering of acids is insufficient. The amount of antimicrobial proteins is also insufficient. This promotes the formation of tartar, ulcers on the oral mucosa, candidiasis and caries. As a result, Hyposalivation also leads to swallowing disorders.

The resting saliva is more than 1 ml/min for hypersalivation and between 0.25 ml/min and 1 ml/min for normal salivation. Hyposalivation is characterized by a nominal value between 0.1 ml/min and 0.25 ml/min. Xerostomia is indicated with a nominal value of less than 0.1 ml/min.

At stimulated saliva is more than 3.5 ml/min for hypersalivation and between 1.0 ml/min and 3.5 ml/min for normal salivation. Hyposalivation is characterized by a nominal value between 0.5 ml/min and 1.0 ml/min. Xerostomia is indicated with a nominal value of less than 0.5 ml/min.

In contrast to resting saliva, the stimulated saliva flow rate is measured over time.

Treating hyposalivation with saliva substitutes

Treat subjectively perceived hyposalivation, xerostomia!

Symptomatic treatment for subjectively perceived hyposalivation is done by means of saliva substitutesPreparations containing saliva stimulants can also be used for symptomatic treatment.

Tip: Teas and suitable mineral water (please consult your dentist/doctor) can also stimulate and promote saliva production. Depending on their composition, the latter can also lead to additional demineralization in the area of the oral mucosa. The perfect saliva substitute should promote the remineralization of the tooth structure and at the same time keep the oral mucosa moist for a long time.

In patients with hyposalivation, the saliva can be described as viscous. Problems with speaking, swallowing or chewing often occur. mouthwash, mineralizing toothpastes, solutions containing sodium bicarbonate, salt water, chlorhexidine and olive oil can be used to relieve the symptoms of hyposalivation. Mouthwashes containing fluoride are also favored due to their caries-protective effect. However, you should avoid irritating, sharp and high-percent alcoholic substances.

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