
Zungenpflege: Der unentdeckte Schlüssel zu einem bezaubernden Lächeln

Tongue Care: The Undiscovered Key to a Charming Smile

Today we are looking at an often neglected but fundamental topic of oral health. In today's blog post you will learn why cleaning the Tongue should be a must-have in your daily care routine ...

5 Tipps: Ideale Zahnpflege für Kinder

5 Tips: Ideal Dental Care for Children

Children's dental care is not only important for the teeth, but also for your child's general health. To ensure that your child keeps a bright smile, we have put together five essential tips...

Do's und Don'ts bei einem zahnmedizinischen Notfall

Do's and Don'ts in a Dental Emergency

We all know the scenario: It is Saturday evening, peace and quiet should return, but suddenly a piercing toothache to destroy the peace. The question is circling in your mind: Should I reall...

Wie du Heißhunger auf Süßigkeiten erfolgreich bekämpfst: 7 erprobte Strategien

How to successfully fight cravings for sweets: 7 proven strategies

The insatiable desire for something sweet – who doesn’t know it? This urge that makes us reach for the unhealthiest treats. But why does it overwhelm us and how can we deal with it better? I...

5 Fragen an deinen Zahnarzt: Maximiere den Nutzen deines Besuchs!

5 questions to ask your dentist: maximize the benefit of your visit!

Have you ever felt like you were still unsure after a dentist appointment? Let's be honest, sometimes it feels like the time in the dentist's office flies by. But I assure you, with the righ...

Munddusche: Dein Partner für ein gesundes Lächeln und makellose Mundhygiene

Oral Irrigator: Your partner for a healthy smile and flawless oral hygiene

We all know how important it is to have good oral hygiene. But despite brushing our teeth carefully, sometimes some areas in our mouth don't feel really clean. Fortunately, we now have our e...

Wassermelone: Dein Vitamin-C-Schatz für gesunde Zähne

Watermelon: Your Vitamin C Treasure for Healthy Teeth

Watermelon - a cool, delicious and healthy refreshment on hot summer days. But did you know that this tempting fruit not only serves to refresh you, but also your teeth can help significantl...

Veganismus und seine Auswirkungen auf die Zahngesundheit

Veganism and its effects on dental health

In modern society, the trend towards conscious nutrition is growing steadily. At the forefront of this movement is undoubtedly the vegan diet. As a vegan, you avoid all animal products - fro...

Chlor, der unsichtbare Feind deines Zahnschmelzes

Chlorine, the invisible enemy of your tooth enamel

The warm summer days make you crave the refreshing coolness of a pool. But have you ever thought about the hidden danger lurking in chlorinated water? Even if you try to avoid it, the chemic...

Sind künstliche Süßstoffe gefährlich für deine Zähne?

Are artificial sweeteners dangerous for your teeth?

We all know that the sugar load in many soft drinks is astonishingly high, which has an impact on our health and especially on our calorie balance. This is why light and zero versions of sof...

Zahnempfindlichkeit und Ultraschallzahnbürsten

Tooth sensitivity and ultrasonic toothbrushes

Imagine you are outside on a sunny day enjoying a refreshing ice cream. Suddenly you are hit by a sharp, stabbing pain. Or you are sitting comfortably in your kitchen in the morning, sipping...

Das Geheimnis eines strahlenden Lächelns: Zahnaufhellung

The secret to a radiant smile: teeth whitening

teeth whitening, often referred to as bleaching, is more than just a cosmetic procedure - it is a door opener to self-confidence and positive charisma. The procedure is based on the use of s...

Ultraschallzahnbürste kann allgemeine Gesundheit fördern

Ultrasonic toothbrush can promote general health

Have you ever thought about how much importance you place on your daily dental care? Sometimes we tend to importance of thorough oral hygiene It is difficult to underestimate the role it pla...

Häufige Mythen und Missverständnisse rund um Ultraschallzahnbürsten aufgeklärt

Common myths and misconceptions about ultrasonic toothbrushes clarified

Ultrasonic toothbrushes have been on the market for some time and are becoming increasingly popular. But despite their popularity, there are still many Myths and misconceptions about ultraso...

Ultraschallzahnbürsten und Senioren: Vorteile und Anpassungen für ältere Menschen

Ultrasonic Toothbrushes and Seniors: Benefits and Adaptations for Older People

Ultrasonic toothbrushes are very popular, and not without reason! They offer some decisive advantages over conventional manual toothbrushes. But what about seniors? Can they also benefit fro...

Ultraschallzahnbürsten: Lohnenswerte Investition oder teurer Hype?

Ultrasonic toothbrushes: worthwhile investment or expensive hype?

Ultrasonic toothbrushes are all the rage these days and promise you revolutionary dental care. But is the purchase really worth it for you if you look at the long-term perspective? In today'...

Welche Zahnpasta ist die richtige für mich?

Which toothpaste is right for me?

Do you also regularly stand in front of the toothpaste shelf and do not know which toothpaste is right for you? Whether toothpaste with whitening effect, of natural origin or with a particul...

Umweltfreundliche Aspekte von Ultraschallzahnbürsten: Nachhaltigkeit und die Reduzierung von Plastikmüll

Environmentally friendly aspects of ultrasonic toothbrushes: sustainability and the reduction of plastic waste

You have probably heard that conventional plastic toothbrushes are harmful to the environment and contribute to global pollution. But are there alternatives that both keep our teeth clean an...

Tipps zur Einführung und Vorteile für die Zahngesundheit von Kindern

Tips for introduction and benefits for children's dental health

As a parent, you naturally want only the best for your child, and that includes good oral hygiene and dental health with. Our emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush can offer just that, and in tod...

Zähneputzen schützt das Herz

Brushing your teeth protects the heart

Regular brushing protects the heart. If you take your dental hygiene very seriously, you can reduce the risk of heart disease. To stay healthy, you should also eat healthily. Poor dental hyg...

Natürliche Zahnpflegeprodukte, die perfekt zu Ultraschallzahnbürsten passen

Natural dental care products that go perfectly with ultrasonic toothbrushes

If you value healthy and sustainable oral care, then this blog post is just right for you. In today's blog post we will introduce you natural dental care products that are ideal for ultrason...

Reise-und Urlaubstipps: Wie du deine Ultraschallzahnbürste optimal nutzt und pflegt

Travel and holiday tips: How to optimally use and care for your ultrasonic toothbrush

When adventure calls and you go on a journey, you naturally want to ensure optimal dental care while on the go. Our emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush is an excellent choice that can give your...

Was bezeichnet man eigentlich als Zahnstein?

What is actually called tartar?

Everyone, including you, knows the term tartarBut what is behind the statement of your dentist when he tells you after the treatment that he tartar removed from your teeth What about the har...

Tag der Zahngesundheit am 25.09.2021

Dental Health Day on September 25, 2021

This year the Dental Health Day under the motto: “Health begins in the mouth – explosive material!” , committed. The periodontal disease, which is also known as periodontitis As you ...