Zahnpflege & Mundhygiene

Fact check: What is secondary caries and how can it be prevented?

Faktencheck: Was ist Sekundärkaries und wie kann man ihm vorbeugen?

In today's blog post we would like to tell you about secondary caries What it is, what makes it special and how you Prevent secondary caries very effectively We will explain to you in today's fact check.

What is secondary caries?

Secondary caries is also known as crown caries or marginal caries because it often settles on the edge of dental fillings or crowns. The distinction is fundamentally important because this particular form of caries primarily occurs on crowns and denture solutions Unfortunately, there are still people who believe that dentures do not need to be cared for. The opposite is the case, because Dentures and crowns must be cared for like real teeth.

How does secondary caries develop?

Especially in marginal area of dental crowns and dentures Harmful bacteria can settle there. This sensitive area is particularly susceptible to secondary caries. If a filling or the area between the tooth and the crown has a fine crack on, this can promote secondary cariesWhen inserting dentures, a marginal gap cannot always be avoided, but it should of course be as small as possible.

It will certainly surprise you, but every dental disease is usually preceded by secondary caries. as so often results in poor dental and oral hygieneThe gap at the edge of the restored area in the mouth requires particularly thorough care.

How can secondary caries be effectively prevented?

To prevent secondary caries, you should follow these guidelines:

  • Oral hygiene at least twice a day
  • Clean between teeth, also with dental floss
  • reduce candy consumption
  • dental check-up and regular prophylaxis
  • Professional teeth cleaning

Make sure that you oral hygiene not only twice a day, but also very thoroughly. Clean the spaces between your teeth with dental floss. Sometimes brushing alone is not enough, because the interdental spaces are very narrow or difficult to reach.

It also helps against secondary caries if you limiting candy consumption. Try to snack as little as possible. And if you want to snack, you should do so immediately after a meal. As part of your regular check-up with your dentist, you can Prevent secondary caries as well. Professional teeth cleaning also helps to make it harder for bacteria to settle on your teethWithout plaque and deposits, harmful bacteria have little chance.

To clean your teeth we recommend our emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush Platinum.

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