
Mit Ultraschall Hautprobleme effektiv lösen

Solve skin problems effectively with ultrasound

Pimples, acne or pigment spots : skin problems have many faces and make many people feel uncomfortable. You can specifically counteract this discomfort by improving your skin health with ultrasound...

Ultraschall für Gesicht und Körper beugt Falten, Altersflecken sowie Pickeln vor

Ultrasound for face and body prevents wrinkles, age spots and pimples

Pigment spots, wrinkles and spots are skin problems that many people suffer from sooner or later. We at emmi ® -skin offer you an innovative and effective way to effectively tackle these skin probl...

Ultraschall-Kosmetik für eine sichere und effektive Ultraschalltherapie

Ultrasound cosmetics for safe and effective ultrasound therapy

Impure skin can be extremely stressful for many people. One way to treat spots, blackheads or acne is through ultrasound therapy, which can reach its full potential with the right ultrasound cosmet...

Ultraschallgerät gegen Falten für vitale, jugendliche Haut

Ultrasound device against wrinkles for vital, youthful skin

No one has to look at your age. Say with emmi®-skin wrinkles as the first visible signs of skin aging. The innovative ultrasound technology not only offers optimal results for body and facial care,...

Ultraschallbehandlung für das Gesicht: Die Wirkung von emmi®-skin

Ultrasound treatment for the face: The effect of emmi®-skin

A facial care product that penetrates into the lower layers of the skin and ensures that care products can have a deep effect there – and that without any harmful side effects. This is possible wit...

Ist eine Ultraschall-Gesichtsbehandlung gefährlich?

Is an ultrasound facial treatment dangerous?

An ultrasound facial treatment is the optimal way for many people to to effectively cleanse and care for skinDespite all the advantages, there are also many concerns about whether Ultrasonic facial...