Zahnpflege & Mundhygiene

Tips for caring for your ultrasonic toothbrush

Tipps zur Pflege deiner Ultraschallzahnbürste

Your ultrasonic toothbrush is, in the broadest sense, an electric toothbrush. Have you already thought about Caring for your ultrasonic toothbrush Many users use their ultrasonic toothbrush twice a day to clean their teeth thoroughly, but no thought for careWhile the classic manual toothbrush has to be completely replaced every 2 to 3 months, our emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush has a significantly longer lifespanTo ensure that you can enjoy your electric toothbrush for a long time, we have a few care tips for you today.

Extend the life of ultrasonic toothbrush

Around the lifespan of your ultrasonic toothbrush To extend the life of your brush to the maximum, you should clean the brush head thoroughly after each use. Rinse it thoroughly under running water and remove all toothpaste residue from the brushesMake sure that no residue remains in the lower part of the brush head.

Replace the brush head of your emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush regularly. All our models have replaceable brush heads. About every three months you should new brush attachment Be generous and change the batteries more often. For example, if you notice that the brushes already worn out , change the brush head immediately.

Make sure that you emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush Always stand upright. Use the brush holder of the charging station and always place your toothbrush vertically. This is the best way to dry it in the fresh air. If you are out of the house and have no way to store it upright, transport them in a suitable boxThis way you can also avoid damage to your toothbrush and avoid contamination with bacteria.

Every now and then you should disinfect electric toothbrush. Use a special toothbrush disinfectant. Alternatively, we can also recommend our emmi®-dent antibacterial mouthwash recommend.

Make sure that the battery of your electric toothbrush is always properly charged. For a long life of your emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush you should always charge your toothbrush when the battery level is very low. Continuous charging is harmful. This applies to every battery, by the way.

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