Zahnpflege & Mundhygiene

Why is the manual toothbrush still so popular?

Warum ist die Handzahnbürste noch immer so beliebt?

Have you ever asked yourself why the manual toothbrush is still so popular despite the enormous technological progress? Perhaps it is because people are creatures of habit. Most people appreciate the handy and compact size of the manual toothbrush and enjoy the ease of use and the low price. But why the change is definitely worth it and our emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush We will explain to you in today's blog post why it promises a completely new cleaning experience.

The manual toothbrush - advantages and disadvantages!

Brushing your teeth with a manual toothbrush is still a very popular method of cleaning your teeth. Despite all the technological and modern options for brushing your teeth, many people still prefer to use a conventional manual toothbrush for their daily dental care. Most people firmly believe that they can clean their teeth better mechanically than an electric toothbrush can. Others like the way the brush is handled and find it easier to move over the teeth. However, many people also believe that a manual toothbrush is gentler on the teeth due to its mechanical and variable pressure, causing less irritation.

However, there are also disadvantages to using a manual toothbrush. For example, it can be difficult to clean all of your teeth evenly or to reach hard-to-reach areas. The extra effort can also make it less motivating to brush your teeth regularly. Overall, however, the manual toothbrush is still a very popular method of cleaning your teeth and the first choice for many people. Sometimes simply because people don't know any better.

The comfortable manual toothbrush is no longer needed

More and more people are living more consciously when it comes to the impact of their consumption on the environment. When it comes to dental care, our emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrushes far superior to a conventional manual toothbrush. A manual toothbrush also needs to be replaced regularly, while our ultrasonic toothbrushes last significantly longer. For these and many other reasons, the tried and tested method of daily tooth cleaning is no longer the better choice for the environment and for dental care.

The manual toothbrush is still more popular than our emmi®-dent Ultrasonic toothbrush because it is easy to use and many people buy it again and again out of habit. However, our ultrasonic toothbrushes are a notable and very convenient alternative. In terms of cleaning performance, our ultrasonic toothbrush is far superior to a conventional manual toothbrush.

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