
Zähneputzen: Zähne vor oder nach dem Essen putzen?

Brushing your teeth: Should you brush your teeth before or after eating?

Brushing your teeth twice a day promotes dental health and oral hygiene! After eating - don't forget to brush your teeth; everyone knows this sentence from early childhood. It is t...

FFP2-Masken: Zwischen Pflicht und Freiwilligkeit

FFP2 masks: between obligation and voluntary

Reducing the spread of germs: When shopping and on public transport! The daily infection numbers are still high in some places. When people come together in a confined space, especia...

Wohlfühlklima dank emmi® Ultraschall Luftbefeuchter

Comfortable climate thanks to emmi® ultrasonic humidifier

Dry air causes health problems. Dry indoor air not only leads to skin problems and breathing difficulties in winter. Dry air caused by air conditioning can also lead to health proble...

Zahnpflege für Raucher

Dental care for smokers

Smoking is not only harmful to the lungs, but also to the teeth. Tooth decay, unsightly discoloration and gum inflammation are all caused by cigarette smoke. For this reason, smokers...

5 aktive Tipps zum Jahreswechsel für mehr Zahngesundheit

5 active tips for the New Year for better dental health

The turn of the year is just around the corner, but this year everything is different. Celebrations are being held in small groups. This year, the end of the year is much more contem...

Ist Ultraschall gefährlich?

Is ultrasound dangerous?

We are repeatedly asked whether our emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrushes are dangerous or harmful to health. The most important thing first: Ultrasonic technology and, with it, our ult...

Sterilisation von Bürstenköpfen mit UVC-Licht und Ultraschall

Sterilization of brush heads with UVC light and ultrasound

Through daily use of your emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush, various germs can naturally accumulate in the brush head. As on any regularly used surface, germs accumulate almost invisi...

5 bezaubernde Geschenkideen zu Weihnachten

5 enchanting gift ideas for Christmas

Christmas is not only the time for gifts, but also the time with the most shopping stress. Weeks before the holiday, people are already thinking about what to give to whom. Another e...

Wie ist das menschliche Gebiss aufgebaut?

How is the human dentition structured?

We use our teeth every day. Completely naturally, automatically and without thinking about it, we use them to grind our food, enjoy sweets and unconsciously show them when we smile. ...

Zahnpflege im Alter

Dental care in old age

Dental care in old age is still a topic that our society does not often talk about. Although we are taught from an early age how important thorough tooth brushing is , however, there...

Zahnpasta Inhaltsstoffe - was steckt wirklich in der Tube?

Toothpaste ingredients - what's really in the tube?

Microplastics, bone meal and parabens; you come across ingredients like these again and again when you go through the ingredients of different types of toothpaste. We will explain ex...

Mythen und Irrtümer der Zahngesundheit

Myths and Misconceptions of Dental Health

Beautiful teeth are a guarantee of success in many areas today. Dental health has been a priority for decades, even centuries; beautiful, evenly spaced and sparkling white teeth now ...

Effiziente Zahnpflege mit fester Zahnspange oder trotz Zahnspange

Efficient dental care with or without braces

You see them more and more often among teenagers and young adults: braces. Whether they are attached to the teeth or removable, dental care with braces is not always easy. At least t...

Durch antibakterielle Nahrungsmittel die Zahngesundheit fördern

Promote dental health through antibacterial foods

Only a few people know that there are antibacterial foods. These natural weapons work against bacteria that tend to accumulate in the mouth and are responsible for the development of...


bad breath

Stop bad breath thanks to proper dental care A bright white smile looks beautiful, is friendly and attractive ; fresh breath is a must. In today's blog post, we will take a ...

Kaugummis - gesund oder ungesund?

Chewing gum - healthy or unhealthy?

For some people it is a constant companion, others chew it now and again - chewing gum. It reliably ensures fresh breath, cleans the teeth and stimulates saliva production. The pure ...

Die Geschichte der Zahnbürste

The History of the Toothbrush

Brushing your teeth without a toothbrush? Unthinkable! But where did the idea come from and how has the toothbrush developed over the years? How has the need for dental care and oral...

Zähne putzen, aber richtig!

Brush your teeth, but do it right!

Beautiful and healthy teeth require regular care. The right technique is crucial. In today's blog post, we explain how to brush your teeth properly, what you need to pay attention to...

Professionelle Zahnreinigung

Professional teeth cleaning

Dentists recommend professional tooth cleaning (PZR) at least once a year. This is both to prevent tooth decay and to avoid dangerous gum inflammation. Professional tooth cleaning is...

Festzuschuss ab Oktober 2020

fixed subsidy from October 2020

The Appointment Service and Care Act (TSVG), which came into force in May 2019, makes it possible: From October 2020, those insured under statutory health insurance will be entitled to a hi...

10 ungewöhnliche Fakten über Zähne

10 Unusual Facts About Teeth

10 Unusual Facts About Teeth Our teeth are hard workers. A good reason to take a closer look at them. In today's blog post, we present 7 interesting and sometimes unusual facts abo...

Ultraschall-Zahnbürste richtig benutzen: mit der emmi®-dent zu gesunden Zähnen

Using an ultrasonic toothbrush correctly: get healthy teeth with the emmi®-dent

The emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush revolutionizes dental care with its innovative functional principle – also in terms of handling: It cleans the teeth more thoroughly and gently than conv...

Ultraschallzahnbürste für Kinder

ultrasonic toothbrush for children

Thorough oral hygiene is not a question of age, but accompanies us throughout our lives. As soon as the baby's first teeth come through, dental care should begin and a ...

Reinigung der Zahnspange mit Ultraschall

Cleaning the braces with ultrasound

During orthodontic treatment, oral hygiene is particularly important: In addition to the teeth, fixed braces also require particularly thorough and meticulous cleaning to prevent too...